Environmental Assessment
Fusion provides Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessments
and Transaction Screening for existing buildings and building lots.
Our inspections meet the rigorous Standards of the
American Society of Testing and Materials (ASTM International) E 1527-00.
Limited Environmental Assessment
The Limited Environmental Assessment is used as informational purposes only. This assessment is often referred to as a Screening Report. The report may help the client make a good business decision early on in the process without wasting time and money. In most cases, lending institutions will not accept this level of due diligence; however, it is a way to get a snap-shot of the site prior to moving forward. If the client decides to continue with interest in the site, Fusion will apply the charges for the Screening Report to the cost of the Phase I Environmental Assessment for the property.
The Limited Environmental Assessment Report (Screening Report) will include the following:
Local, State and Federal government environmental database search;
Review of at least one readily available historical record (aerial photographs, Sanborn fire insurance maps),
Written analysis of nearby listed properties of concern to determine potential impact to the subject property,
Review of interview with current owner,
A limited conclusion regarding potential environmental risk.
A Screening Report is recommended for sites that past uses included: residential, churches, office and apartment buildings. The report will not be recommended for sites that past uses included any of the following: industrial, manufacturing, agricultural, gas stations and dry cleaners.
Please note that this initial report may indicate a need to do the more intensive Phase I Environmental assessment to make any recommendations about the site.
Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment
A Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (Phase 1) can be used as a risk management tool for current owners, lenders and potential purchasers of property. These properties can be residential, industrial, commercial, and agricultural uses. The purpose of a Phase I is to identify potential and/or recognized environmental concerns and conditions associated with the subject property. The process involves:
Research into the historical land uses of the subject and neighboring properties,
Research into local, state, and federal regulatory environmental files and databases for the subject property, and
A site reconnaissance of the subject and neighboring properties.
The outcome of the research is a detailed organized concise report summarizing the potential and/or recognized Environmental Concerns related to the site. The report will also offer recommendations, which may include filling of data-gaps and the potential for sampling of groundwater and soils on the site.
It is important to note that there is no actual soil or groundwater sampling conducted during the Phase I process.
The results of the Phase I report can be used to offer assurance to potential purchasers, brownfields developers and lenders that they are acquiring property without environmental liability or assist them with decisions regarding the management of environmental risks. Our Phase I reports will meet the requirements of All Appropriate Inquiry (AAI) as described in the Federal Register 40 CFR Part 312 dated November 1, 2005, if requested. BES will discuss with the client as to if the requirements of AAI is needed. If AAI is followed, the report also can be used as a defense of the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) for innocent landowner.
All Appropriate Inquiries Requirement (AAI)
Enforceable as of November 1, 2006
New ASTM Standard for the Rule is:ASTM 1527-05
Defines the term Environmental Professional (EP) and establishes qualifications for those performing Phase I ESAs (hold a current Professional Engineer or Professional Geologist license or registration from a state, tribe, or U.S. territory (or the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico) and have the equivalent of three years of full-time relevant experience OR 4 year Baccalaureate degree in any engineering or science field with five years of full-time relevant experience OR ten years of full-time relevant experience).
In addition to interviewing current owners and occupants of the subject property, an interview with past owners and occupants must be conducted as necessary [Section 312.20(e)-(f)].
Interview with neighboring or nearby property owners or occupants must be conducted if the subject property is abandoned.
Previous use of the property needs to be described from the present back to when the property first contained structures or was developed for residential, commercial, agricultural, industrial or governmental purposes
More information requested from the User of the report (person for whom the report is being prepared).
AAI rule requires identification of records of Activity and Use Limitations (AULs) and Environmental Cleanup Liens.
In addition to the review of federal and state records, the ESA must include a review of (all) local and tribal records within the required search distance of the Property.
Visual inspection of the subject property AND adjoining properties is required (limited exemption with specific requirements if the subject property cannot be inspected).
AAI rule looks at the relationship of the purchase price compared with the fair market value of the property which may indicate contamination at the property.
Data gaps must be identified with the significance of the data gap with regard to the ability of the EP to identify conditions indicative of releases and threatened releases
New Rule and standard will raise the cost of a Phase I ESA.
Shelf-life of Phase I report is specified as one year with some updates required after 180 days.
Indoor Air Quality Assessment
Fusion provides comprehensive indoor air quality screening services that include
- Biological Pollutant Screening and
- Volatile Organic Compound Screening
Our IAQ services include sampling and diagnostics for potential hazards such as indoor mold, bioaerosols, airborne particulates, volatile organic compounds, carbon monoxide and other chemical contaminants. Our investigations include building walk-throughs, routine and specialized environmental monitoring, interviews with facility managers, occupant surveys, and due-diligence studies.
We are committed to the prevention, early detection and management of IAQ problems and we are proud to serve all sectors of residential, commercial, and industrial markets. We understand the potential legal exposure of our clients and we work diligently to identify and eliminate problems associated with occupant complaints, absenteeism, home/building warranty, certificate of occupancy, reduced productivity, accelerated building deterioration, strained relations between employers and employees or property owners and tenants, negative publicity, and potential liability. Fusion promotes high standards that not only protect building occupants but also minimize financial loss caused by poor indoor environmental quality.
Building and Facility Condition Inspection
Fusion provides an accurate analysis of existing conditions at your building or facility, all property types, including: Apartment buildings and complexes, Retail buildings, Hotels, Motels, Industrial, Special purpose, Senior housing and Office buildings. We conduct observations of the site, structure, roof, building envelope, interior elements, and the mechanical and electrical systems of the subject property. Our property condition reports (PCR) are completed utilizing the baseline standard for commercial inspections and property condition assessments (PCA) from the American Society for Testing and Materials ASTM E 2018. This includes a thorough document review process as well as conducting interviews with appropriate building personnel conducted prior to our walk-through survey, as well as a "cost to cure" estimate of any physical deficiencies reported. We offer various depths of inspection to suit a variety of clientele and will adjust to meet your specific needs or the needs of your lenders and/or investors.
Services also offers a service to multi-family condominium associations, commercial building management and property management companies. The study is based upon the findings of the property condition report with special attention on each major component expected to fail at some point in the future. Future component replacement costs are then multiplied by a predetermined inflation rate to determine the amount of reserve necessary to fund the replacement. This eliminates the need to request special assessments which are always unwelcome and require a time frame to collect. Time is usually one thing that you don't have in an emergency. These inevitable equipment failures do not have to be unplanned emergencies. A Major Asset Replacement Reserve Study by Fusion Services, in conjunction with the presence of a reserve fund to offset the items identified, represent a valuable asset to condominium owners as well as potential buyers.
Thermal Imaging
Fusion provides thermal imaging services to identify moisture and air intrusion into your building, and identify issues with electrical and mechanical systems. Thermal imaging identifies thermal anomalies that help predict building maintenance needs and help you to plan your budget accordingly.
Our thermal imaging services meet the standards of the American Society of Testing and Materials (ASTM International) C1153 - 97(2003)e1, American National Standards Institute - American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ANSI-ASHRAE 0 Standard 101, International Standards Organization (ISO) DP 6781.3E.
GIS Compatable Geo-Referenced Photography
Fusion provides precise real-time WGS-84 or MGRS position information. As images are captured, this data is embedded into the media file’s header.
In addition to storing GPS data in image and video, Fusion provides a user-defined data-dictionary for tagging the media with workflow-related information. This ‘meta-data’ becomes attributes in any GIS system and may be automatically imprinted on the images. Geo-coded images and video are automatically converted into ‘layer files’ by GIS plug-ins.